Join us for the Women's circle this Saturday:
4:30pm to 7:00pm at C/Escolas Pias17, 2-1, Sitges (the narrow glass door).
The theme is “Honoring the Ancestors.” Share a memory, song, dance, read a poem, put photos on the circle altar or what ever you'd like to celebrate the lives of those that have come before us. Honor the women who have fought for our rights or died because they were healers as well as family members…. After those offerings we will do our monthly Sufi healing prayer and silent meditation, followed by tea. Please bring a healthy vegetarian snack and clothes or small household items for passing along to others in the group. Any leftovers will go to Caritas.
Suggested donation 15 euros—but give what you can. Be part of the discussion about where this seasons donations will go.
Once again we will be placing a group order for calendars by Elena Caballero , her theme the 2017 calendar is “Cuerpo de Mujer/A Woman's Body.” The wall calendar and agenda are 13.50 euros each (including postage.)
Please bring exact change and let me know which format you would like.
There will be a small selection of Elenware ceramics if you are looking for a special gift.
Feel free to share this information with other women. Please confirm your attendance.
You can find us on Facebook here.
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