Monday, April 13, 2015

Women's Circle celebrating Mother Earth, Saturday April 25

This month our circle meets on Saturday the 25th of April at our usual time from 4:30 to 7:30p,  We will be celebrating Mother Earth and Earth Day. Think of all the little things you do to make the environment around you cleaner or ways you conserve what there is and come share with us. Other activities or rituals are also welcome.

We will be meeting at c/ Escoles Pies, 17, 2-1,  Sitges , the narrow glass door.

Our gatherings will include a Sufi healing prayer of the heart, silent meditation and snacks as well as our clothing exchange. So please bring a healthy snack and any clothes you no longer want. It's a great time to go through your wardrobe.

I invite all of you very talented women to share what you love with us--be it family constellations, dance, a kind of massage or breath work, a recipe or… The possibilities are infinite. It should be an activity that we can complete in 2 hours or less. I just need to know before the day.

The circle dates for the rest of this season are:
May 30th We'll watch the documentary For the Next 7 Generations about the International Council of 13 Indigenous Grandmothers.
June 20th activity to be decided

Come Fall the Circle will need to find a new home. If you have any ideas about this, please get in touch with me.

As usual, donations from the Circle will go to support The Council of 13 Indigenous Grandmothers and their upcoming meeting in Gabon.

Beautiful tree-goddess image by Francene Hart

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