Thursday, September 19, 2013

Well-being Workshops

I'm excited to offer Well-being workshops to schools, day care centers, businesses and private individuals. What are Well-being workshops? Read on...

Everyone learns better when relaxed and enjoying themselves.  The techniques in these workshops have direct applications for school but are really tools for living a focused, grounded and relaxed life.  Sessions start with movement exercises which incorporate gross motor skills, concentration and coordination. This is a playful way to stimulate use of both sides of the brain and also brings needed oxygen to it.  Next, I show concrete methods for relaxation and concentrating during both the school/work day and testing situations in age/grade appropriate ways.  The focus is then moved from the outer workings of each person to the inner workings: breath and body awareness--which aid self-awareness, self-esteem, concentration and relaxation.

My work experience has shown me the truth of the Chinese Proverb:

What I hear
I forget,
What I see
I remember,
What I do
I understand.

Multiple Intelligence studies have shown that when we engage the whole body in the learning process, people have more ways to input the information. This makes the experience more memorable, useful and gives more people a feeling of success and accomplishment.

I have been teaching people of all ages for 30 years. I've taught bilingual kindergarten, Business English to executives and business university students, dance and yoga to people of all ages--including an after school program for elementary school students with learning difficulties. I have designed courses as well: English through yoga, English through crafts, Middle Eastern and other types of dance as preparation for childbirth.

I now teach private classes and small groups how to improve their health and well-being through a series of exercises called Somato Reperatiory Integration (SRI.)  SRI was designed by Dr. Donald Epstein, a Chiropractor and visionary, who is also the creator of Network Spinal Analysis.  SRI uses  breath and body awareness, hand positions and phrases to allow people more control of relaxation. It also teaches them to live with more awareness and to respond to life instead of just reacting.

Additionally, I offer teachers workshops on getting children to focus and relax when they need to be extra alert.

Initially, I discovered all the mentioned activities to help myself because I am a very active person and needed methods to concentrate and relax. My teaching over the years has shown me the need to share this knowledge.

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